Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bold Color for Gray Days

I spent some time on the Marimekko website today, satisfying my need for bold color pops amidst today's gray day. I understand why this Finnish textile company is so popular and relevant in their home country and abroad; the illustrative use of pleasing color palettes and natural designs are uplifting, whimsical, and celebrate nature. The textiles are perfect accompaniments for our northern long winter nights; a table adorned with a playful cover cloth, windows brightened with a graphic theme, and a pillow demanding focus in a room. As we spend a great deal of time inside nowadays, it's fun to see such boldness liven things up.

Plus, I found a great nugget of fashion info to look forward to.  In February 2011, Marimekko is partnering with Converse shoes for a global release of a women's-specific line called "Converse ♥ Marimekko". These Converse shoes will feature designs from Marimekko's fabric line "Tarha", "Pikkusuomu", and "Kirppu". The release is just in time to beat the mid-winter blues. I will be first in line! - l.o.d.

Marimekko's "Taste of Christmas" table

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