Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Japan Relief

It only seems right to stay on the topic of the tragic events in Japan given the long-lasting uncertainty that the situation has created for everyone in the Pacific Rim.  I feel like I'm half a world away from the epicenter, yet the news still moves me.  In the spirit of combining art and aid, here is a very small curated list of items whose proceeds will assist those in need in Japan.

Sinjuku, 6:43 by Joseph O. Holmes. Proceeds benefit Japan Society Earthquake Relief Fund
Birds in the Bush by Susan Schwake.  Proceeds benefit Doctors without Borders.

You can find many more items whose proceeds benefit Japan on Etsy, or simply donate through the American Red Cross.

And for a little philanthropic levity...

Sushi Slippers by Sushibooties on Etsy
A Bear Hug for Japan by Sleepyking on Etsy

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