Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Room 137c

Travel is one of my life passions and I'm always on the hunt for small, hip hotels around the globe.  Even if I never get there, I enjoy being an armchair traveler.  The latest issue of Budget Travel magazine has some wanderlust inspiring gems from all over the globe.  One caught my eye: the Pantone Hotel in Brussels, Belgium.  I admit that most of the time a corporate-themed hotel doesn't work for me (Hard Rock hotel, no thanks.)  But this one seems to work.  They did the design right - cool crisp modern white to highlight the Pantone colors.  The hotel is a small boutique not a theme park.  And Brussels is quite possibly the quirkiest, weirdest city I have ever explored.  The city is a perfect fit for a hyper-designed hotel because it balances the city's 17th century architecture and Magritte sensibilities.  So after a long day of walking the cobblestone streets, watching marionette shows, munching on mussles with fries with a Jupiler lager, coming back to your cozy 137c (orange) or 298c (teal) room simply means that the sensory adventure continues. - l.o.d.

Pantone Hotel: Brussels, Belgium

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