Friday, March 4, 2011


I'm working on a particularly important data project at work that is making me crave some visual stimuli for reporting data.  For inspiration, I googled the keyword "infographics" and wow, I found some pretty amazing stuff! There are seemingly dozens of creative-minded data nerds making really cool, accessible ways to represent their work for the rest of us.  Check these out!

The best place to sit on a plane

Interactive weather wheel

And this is a super cool website Infosthetics "where form follows data".  The mastermind behind all of these graphics explains the projects and corresponding graphics in detail.  His site includes video, real-life examples, and basically anything under the sun, like the materialization of wifi strength superimposed on a street, pictured below.

WiFi strength materialized

Makes me really think about building some great graphics to accompany my project, the impact of the visual may help my case. What infographics have you seen that have made a big impression? - l.o.d.

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