Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It wasn't too long ago when a road trip meant a large paper map unfolded on the floor, highlighters marking the route, the mystery of each town left to the imagination.  Now, like most people, I rely on the incredible technology behind Google maps and my GPS.  But this makes me wonder if I'm missing part of the journey - the part that involves a bigger picture of the planning process rather than the shortest or quickest way from point A to B.  My fondest road trip memories are when I got lost or decided to take the road less traveled.  All of these moments were caused by or remedied by a good old fashioned map.  I think maps themselves are works of beauty, the natural geography outlined and blocked by color.  Here are a few of my favorites maps from worldly places that amaze me, both on and off the map.  - l.o.d.

London Underground


  1. I am a huge fan of maps as decor. In addition to making you geographically savvy, they fire the imagination. Remember how Laura and I had a map on the wall at 1320 S. University? We would stare at that thing, and think thoughts like "Truth or Consequences, New Mexico? Now that name's gotta have a story behind it." Lo and behold, we ended up there, perhaps only because of the hours spent looking at that map, and it was so worth it. Now we have a similar map on a hall wall with a gold star all the places we've been. It still inspires one of life's greatest pleasures --the road trip!

  2. I sure do remember that map! You'll have to tell me about your trip to Truth or Consequences sometime. Thanks for reading and posting!
